Tag: ubuntu

Screenlets – Ubuntu


Screenlets is the name of both a set of independently-developed widget applications and the widget engine which runs them. The engine runs primarily on X11-based compositing window managers, most notably with Compiz on Linux. Like Google Gadgets for windows.   Installing sudo apt-add-repository ppa:screenlets/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install screenlets

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/848/screenlets-ubuntu/

Screenlets – Ubuntu

Screenlets este numele unui set de aplicaÅ£ii widget dezvoltate independent ÅŸi motorul de widget-ul care le execută. Motorul funcÅ£ionează în primul rând pe baza managerului X11 de ferestre compozite, în special cu Compiz pe Linux. Ca ÅŸi Google Gadgets pentru Windows.   Instalare sudo apt-add-repository ppa:screenlets/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install screenlets

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/952/screenlets-ubuntu-2/

Clienti de Mesagerie Instanta – Ubuntu

Echivalente Windows : MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger, QQ, AIM, Gtalk, ICQ,IRC Echivalente Ubuntu : Ubuntu equivalent : Empathy, Pidgin, Emesene Empathy este un client de mesagerie instanta care acceptă text, voce, video, transferuri de fisiere, şi pentru comunicaţii inter-aplicaţii pe diverse protocoale IM. Empathy este instalat în mod implicit în Ubuntu, cu toate acestea este more »

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/889/clienti-de-mesagerie-instanta-ubuntu/

Instant Messanging in UBUNTU

Emesene Logo

Windows equivalent : MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger, QQ, AIM, Gtalk, ICQ,IRC Ubuntu equivalent : Empathy, Pidgin, Emesene Empathy is an instant messaging client which supports text, voice, video, file transfers, and inter-application communication over various IM protocols. Empathy is installed by default on Ubuntu, however you may want to make sure you have the latest more »

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/816/instant-messanging-in-ubuntu/

Abiword – Instalare pe Ubuntu

AbiWord este un program gratuit si open source pentru procesare de text. Acesta a fost iniţial creat de SourceGear Corporation în prima parte a unei AbiSuite. Dezvoltarea s-a oprit atunci când SourceGear si-a schimbat interesele si s-au focalizat pe aplicatiile de Internet. AbiWord a fost adoptat de către unii dezvoltatori open source şi astfel AbiWord more »

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/871/abiword-instalare-pe-ubuntu/

Abiword – Ubuntu Installation

AbiWord is a free and open source software word processor. It was originally started by SourceGear Corporation as the first part of a proposed AbiSuite. Development stopped when SourceGear changed their focus to Internet appliances. AbiWord was adopted by some open source developers and AbiWord continued to be developed. AbiWord supports both basic word processing more »

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/834/abiword-ubuntu-installation/

Gnome Desktop buttons

After a while I hit the need to make some savings in the life of the monitor to shut down before waiting closing time. I searched the internet and found a way to make buttons (shortcuts) on the screen or the menu, and accessing them to bring my laptop to the desired state.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/854/gnome-desktop-buttons/