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Feb 09
Scribus este o aplicatie desktop gratuita folosita la deschiderea documentelor, cu scopul de a stimula producţia comerciala de formate PDF şi PostScript, în primul rând, si nu exclusiv pentru Linux. În timp ce obiectivele programului sunt pentru uşurinţa de utilizare şi instrumente simplu de înţeles si de folosit, Scribus oferă suport pentru funcţii de publicare more »
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Feb 09
Scribus is an desktop open source page layout program with the aim of producing commercial grade output in PDF and Postscript, primarily, though not exclusively for Linux. While the goals of the program are for ease of use and simple easy to understand tools, Scribus offers support for professional publishing features, such as CMYK color, more »
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Feb 08
Echivalent Windows: CuteFTP, SmartFTP Ubuntu echivalent: FileZilla FileZilla este un soft cu sursa libera, deschisa, cross-platform, ce consta in suita FileZilla Client si Server. Binarele sunt disponibile pentru Windows, Linux, şi Mac OS X. Acesta acceseaza FTP, SFTP, şi FTPS (FTP peste SSL / TLS). Â
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Feb 08
Windows equivalent : CuteFTP, SmartFTP Ubuntu equivalent : FileZilla FileZilla is free, open source, cross-platform FTP software, consisting of FileZilla Client and FileZilla Server. Binaries are available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS).
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Feb 06
Echivalent Windows: Adobe Photoshop, Paint.Net Echivalent Ubuntu: GIMP Basic GIMP GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) este un program gratuit ce poate fi folosit cu succes pentru editarea imaginilor. Acesta poate retusa imagini sau poate fi folosit ca o unealta in editarea imaginilor si este disponibil gratuit pentru sistemele de operare populare inclusiv Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac more »
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Feb 06
Windows equivalent : Adobe Photoshop, Paint.Net Ubuntu equivalent : GIMP Basic GIMP GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free software raster graphics editor. It is primarily employed as an image retouching and editing tool and is freely available in versions tailored for most popular operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and more »
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Jan 31
Cunostintele legate de optimizare a conţinutului site-ului au devenit deja cunoştinţe bun simţ. Cine nu doreste un site care sa fie gasit rapid la o cautare? Aţi găsit nişte termeni despre SEO şi nu ştiti ce înseamnă acestia? Iată câteva tehnici de optimizare si termeni referitoari la: Vizitatori unici - Un server este accesat cu o cerere HTTP pentru un singur obiectiv web. O singura accesare a unei pagini poate antrena mai multe more »
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Jan 31
Website content optimization have becoming common sense knowledge already, who doesn’t want a fast find site with engaging content? Did you found some terms about SEO-ing and you don’t know what they mean? Here is some detailed optimization techniques: Unique visitors A server hit is an HTTP request for a single web objective. One web more »
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