Tag: download

Graphical FTP clients – UBUNTU


Windows equivalent : CuteFTP, SmartFTP Ubuntu equivalent : FileZilla FileZilla is free, open source, cross-platform FTP software, consisting of FileZilla Client and FileZilla Server. Binaries are available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS).

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/836/graphical-ftp-clients-ubuntu/

Aplicatii de grafica 3D – UBUNTU

Logo Blender

Windows echivalent : 3D Studio MAX Ubuntu echivalent : Blender   Blender este o aplicatie de un nivel profesional 3D-modelare, capabil de ajutor pentru a produce rezultate foto-realiste. Ea are multe caracteristici avansate, şi se poate folosi pentru animaÅ£ie, randare, post-producÅ£ie şi redare interactivă a modelelor dvs…

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/1005/aplicatii-de-grafica-3d-ubuntu/

Orange Boston – Updated to Android 2.2.1 and rooted

Some time ago I came into possession of a smartphone, cheaper it is true, but it does its job. The thing that attracted me to it it’s Android, at that time was version 1.6, and as a Linux user I had some pleasure to do some tests with this acquisition. As in title this smartphone was bought from Orange and it has a custom Android default image based on Android 1.6 . more »

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/926/orange-boston-updated-to-2-2-1-and-rooted/

Butoane pentru Gnome Desktop

Butoane pentru Gnome

In urma cu ceva vreme m-am lovit de necesitatea de a face putina economie la durata de viata a monitorului astfel incat sa se inchida inainte de a mai astepta timpul de inchidere. Am cautat pe internet si am gasit o modalitate de a face butoane (shortcuts) pe monitor sau in meniu, iar la accesarea more »

Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/702/butoane-pentru-gnome-desktop/

Gnome Desktop buttons

After a while I hit the need to make some savings in the life of the monitor to shut down before waiting closing time. I searched the internet and found a way to make buttons (shortcuts) on the screen or the menu, and accessing them to bring my laptop to the desired state.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.xenno.org/854/gnome-desktop-buttons/